Tuesday, June 21, 2011

ARTifacts © Painting by Leada Wood Artist of Texas

The Watcher by Leada Wood © All Rights Reserved

Well I think I have completed this ARTifact painting for my mom's 90th birthday. I will have to look at it for the next few weeks, before I give it to her, to see if there is anything else to add. It's hard to see everything on there  because of the low resolution so I will tell you a little about the rest of the story. I added a little angel in the top left corner of the family registry to signify all the grandparents I didn't know, that hopefully are my guardian angels, watching over me. I added a heart by my grandparents picture, I didn't know my grandfather but I sure loved my grandmother. The little ornament by my mom's birthdate has rubies in it, her birthstone, also the verse, Who can find a virteous woman? Her worth is above rubies. The antique watch face by my dad at the top is to signify him, he was a watchmaker by trade. It also signifies the passage of time.
The verse on the right is from

The Watcher
                                                 She always leaned to watch for us
                                                        Anxious if we were late,
                                                        In winter by the window,
                                                          In summer by the gate.
                                              And though we mocked her tenderly,
                                                      Who had such foolish care,
                                         The long way home would seem more safe
                                                        Because she waited there.

I then added a cross to signify Christianty, next to my mom's favorite verse:
"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness" which just about sums up my mom's life.
I hope you have enjoyed taking this journey with me and seeing my thoughts as I created this ARTifact © Painting. I would be honored to do one for you or your loved one. Just contact me!


  1. That's really neat, Leada. I bet she loved it. great gift :)

  2. Wow!...That is beautiful, to look at and in thought. You are so talented.
    She will love it.

  3. Thanks ladies! I love doing ARTifact paintings. If you every need a special gift for someone contact me and we will brainstorm and come up with one especially for you.
