Wednesday, July 27, 2011

An Artist's Life by Leada Wood

Lovely Lola

This is lovely Lola, my studio muse. She is always in a good mood and is a very good listener! She keeps an eye on things for me at Studio Twenty. Studio Twenty is a consignment gallery and is where I create my art. I also host the local art club, West Texas Art Guild, which I co-founded with my friend Carolyn. Somethimes there are workshops and demos by  artists from  all over our great state.  Come along with me and I will take you on tour!


  1. Wish I could visit. It looks wonderful. I covet your muse. have been trying to find a mannequin, but not around here ... in the sticks!

  2. Ha! I know about being in the sticks! I rescued Lola from a junk shop in a near by town. Have been looking for hands for the poor dear for a while! I looked for one for years too then "I found her"!
    Keep looking! I wish you could come for a visit too, if ever you are my way do stop by.

  3. Will do, but you better lock Lola up! :-)
