Saturday, July 30, 2011

An Artist's Life by Leada Wood

Still Life Set Up

Sometimes when artists get together and they can't seem to get going on their painting, they decide to play. I keep lots of inspirational things in my studio for times such as these.  We usually look around and start gathering objects and create still lifes. Then we take many photos, gotta love those digital cameras! This usually leads to many variations of the set up and then different set ups, so you usually spend the afternoon creating and photographing set ups. It is a wonderful way to create new ideas for paintings. I have so many paintings in my head that I know I will never get them all finished, so I have to choose the ones that inspire me the most.
Thanks for stopping by! Come back again and have another peek in my studio.

Creativity is the ability to produce a unique or uncommon idea that comes from within ourselves that is influenced by a lifetime of experience.     Carrie Burns Brown

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