Sunday, October 9, 2011

Liz Hill Workshop by Leada Wood, Artist Of Texas

Left Liz Hill, Right Leada Wood

I just finished  a figurative painting workshop with the renown Liz Hill at the Bunkhouse on the Wenmoths Ranch. What a wonderful time we all had. It was a three day event with a new model everyday. We would sketch all morning and paint all afternoon. Now this is NOT your ordinary figurative painting. Liz showed us how to use prepared surfaces and collage and charcoal to get very interesting paintings. There were a lot of great pieces that came from the workshop. I will post some of my pieces later when I finish them. We really crammed a lot in three days! To see Liz's work go to and you will have a better idea of what I am talking about.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you Guys got a lot done in a short while.
    I may be taller then your teacher. Cant wait to see what you did.
