Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mad Hatter Tea by Leada Wood©

Mad Hatter Tea by Leada Wood©

I don't know about you but I love Alice In Wonderland. I still have my little golden book from my childhood, although it is  getting a little fragile as it was well read.  I got to spend the afternoon at the zoo with my grandson, granddaughter and son, a few days back and seeing all the flamingos got me to thinking of Alice.  I especially enjoyed the Queen's croquet game and her flamingo croquet mallets.  What an imagination Lewis Carrol had!

This painting is a mixed media with watercolor, prisimcolor, and collage.


  1. Laeda, I just came across the Caboose Watercolor Society and saw you! It looks as if you have a neat group and all of you do lots of good work! What fun!

  2. This is fun! Whimsy is one of your things! I wish I had more whimsy. Where on earth do you get all your ideas and inspiration?

  3. Thanks Dee! I have been told Whimsy is my thing, as a matter of fact Arleta Pech told my friends in a workshop to make sure I never got away from it! Inspiration just seems to come to me from everywhere.

  4. You are blessed! Don't lose it! Ruby is a delight, and I want to be like when I grow up!
