Sunday, July 14, 2013

Summer Time by Leada Wood, Texas Artist

Summer Time and the living is easy. I have been enjoying my little piece of paradise here in Texas. The weather has been really hot! I get out early or late and hang out under the air conditioning the rest of the day.
After a painting marathon to get ready for exhibitions and shows things finally wound down a little the end of June.  I decided it was time to relax and enjoy the beauty surrounding me before I have to get ready for all the exhibitions and shows coming up this fall. Recharge my batteries... Life is good!

Although it is not tropical where I live, it is hot enough to grow tropical flowers. It would not be summer at our house without Hibiscus. I plant them in every hue in single and double varieties. These beauties happened to be blooming today. I had already picked the red and orange double ones to put in a vase. The funny thing about hibiscus is they are proficient bloomers but the flowers fade after a day. I have painted many  Hibiscus portraits.

 Summer time those Plumbago! Another plant that thrives in the hot Texas sun.

Here is my little kitchen garden by my door, easy access for cooking! I have basil, marjoram, oregano and sage. I keep my rosemary and lavenders in raised beds as they grow quite large. I love to pick fresh tomatoes spritz them with a little olive oil, salt and pepper and sprinkle fresh cut basil on top. It just doesn't get much better than that!


I love zinnias! These perky pink beauties were blooming today. I always think of my grandmother's  garden whenever I see moonflowers or zinnias. She had oodles of both...guess that is where my mama and I got our love of flowers from. I enjoy having plants from my loved ones keeps a little of them close to me, especially after they are gone. Very comforting.

I plant geraniums every year as well. They come in every color but I always seem to like the red the best. I guess that is because I know my little hummingbirds enjoy red flowers and I love my little hummers!

The crepe myrtle is the best! They bloom profusely from June until late August. One of the best shrubs or trees for our area.

I hope you enjoyed the little tour of my little piece of paradise and will come back to see me again!

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