Thursday, January 30, 2014

Birds Of A Feather by Leada Wood, Texas Artist

Day 30 of Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.

It has been a challenge but I have made it! Whoo Hoooo! It has been fun but I am glad the pressure will be off. I just hope I can continue to paint least some.  I have been also learning to paint on my ipad during this month. That is another challenge in itself!

I do appreciate those who have taken time to look at my blog and say kind words. I also really appreciate my friends on Facebook who have been so encouraging. I don't think I could have made it without you! My life has been enriched knowing you care.

I stared with bird paintings so I though it appropriate to finish with a bird painting. This 5x7 transparent watercolor of Zebra Finches is the last of the 30/30 challenge. But I will be back with more stay tuned.

You can sign up for my blog post by email on the sidebar. It will let you know when I have finished another painting by delivering my post to your inbox.
Thanks for dropping by!

Birds Of A Feather by Leada Wood©2014


  1. These are beautiful! Just a little bit fuzzy and totally adorable!

  2. Your painting is adorable. It looks like a the birds had a tiff and wont talk to each other :)

  3. Thanks Bhavani! Maybe they did :0)
