Wednesday, June 25, 2014


My Mom and Dad brought me this sign from one of their trips to Missouri, many years ago. It sure sums up how I feel about my garden! Here at Dragonfly farm in Texas we have been blessed with rain and cool, cloudy days...but I know the heat will be on eventually. I have been out capturing the moments with my camera so during the dog days of summer I can sit in my cool studio and paint. I wanted to share some of them with you.

Nothing as beautiful as our flag waving in the breeze. The symbol of our freedom, so many have given their lives for the privilege... and I am grateful.  This photo was from a trip to the hill country to see all the gorgeous wildflowers.

Feeling a little tropical around here with all the Hibiscus in full bloom.  Boot Man gave  them to me for Mother's Day! Flowers I can enjoy all summer long, they love the heat and bloom profusely.

The Petunias have loved the rain as well and are bigger than a bushel basket. The baby kittens love to hide under them.

The Herbs and garden have enjoyed the rain as well. You can see the garden has been calling me and taking my time away from painting and blogging...ah well, it's LIFE! I have been enjoying the time in the garden, while it is cool enough to do so. These photos are of some of my Herbs, Sage, Basil, and Dill. I grow others as well.

The Caterpillars have been plentiful on the Fennel...I grow it just for them. In turn I have lots of beautiful butterflies. As you can see from the photo they get pretty big!

Spring on Dragonfly Farm always brings baby kittens, one of my favorite things! I hope you have enjoyed my little tour of the farm and a peek into my life. Now you know what I have been up to...just in case you wondered. Have a wonderful week!

Every good and perfect gift is from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.   James 1:17

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