Wednesday, April 5, 2017

"Borrowed Time", Mixed Media, by Leada Wood, TexasArtist

"Borrowed Time" ©2017 Leada Wood

All artists are borrowers...borrowing ideas, borrowing color palettes, borrowing techniques using them to spark our imaginations. We are inspired by the genius of generations of creative minds.

It always seems like the 11th hour...borrowing time from the busyness of each day to get into the studio. There is never enough time to complete the daily task list, I take a few hours here and there and make the most of it. Chiseling away...working...trying to make my creative concept a reality before the inspiration fades or writing down my intentions for another day. On and on it goes...borrowing time.

My dad was a watch and clock repairman and the bits and pieces fascinated me. It was amazing to see him take the springs and gears out of a watch and replace them again. I have been surrounded by watches and clocks my whole life. "Borrowed Time" was inspired by thinking about time and how I use my time. Time runs out and we are never promised tomorrow...we only have today.

I am intrigued by ravens...I don't know why but I paint them a lot. Ravens are intelligent, mischievous, playful birds and can live to be 70 years old. They are empathetic and adaptable. Some cultures consider them messengers from the gods. The Native Americans considered them sly tricksters.

The combination of elements in my painting just came together while I was thinking about the theme for our show. I considered Time and how deceptive it is...tricking you into thinking you have more of it. Time is elusive and I endeavored to show a spatial quality in my painting.

 I enjoy themed shows although they stretch me and cause growing pains. They also make me think outside the box to find solutions that will work and grow as an artist. I hope you have as much fun viewing my painting "Borrowed Time" as I did in creating it!

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"Borrowed Time" was created for the Art League of West Texas Spring show at the Buddy Holly Center in Lubbock, Texas. The shows theme is "The Borrowers" and it will be interesting to see how a group of artist interupt the meaning. Please come see the show, I think you will like it. The show opens April 7th during First Friday Art Trail And runs until May 21st, 2017.

Thanks for stopping  by!

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