Tuesday, January 15, 2019

January Challenge by Leada Wood, Texas Artist

 Day 15 of the 30 objects in 30 days challenge. Half way point! I absolutely have thought a few times during this challenge I had lost my marbles for doing it! Just to prove that I haven’t I decided to paint one of my favorite marbles from my collection. Yes, I have a jar of marbles that was passed down from my Dad, I guess that is one reason I love the little glass orbs too.

“Found My Marble” ©2019 Leada Wood

The inspiration came from my shooter marbles that were my Dads and I loved the colors on this one. It is painted on a kids flash card 3x5 with an acrylic background. I then painted the marble in watercolor and gouache. I let the original flash card show through the background of acrylic paint for interest. Then I photographed it on another acrylic painted background.

"If every year was a marble, how many marbles do you have left? How many sunrises, how many opportunities to rise to the full stature of your being."---Joy Page

That is why I enjoy doing these challenges, to rise up and see if I can complete the task at hand. There is plenty going on in my life and I really don't need more to do but who can resist a challenge?

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