Saturday, January 5, 2019

January Challenge, by Leada Wood, Texas Artist

Day 5 of the 30 objects in 30 days challenge. Stockshow season has begun in Texas! I spent the morning admiring all the fine animals at the Westbrook stockshow and of course I was inspired.

I decided to do a sheep painting as my grandson Kash is showing both lambs and goats. He is the last boy in my oldest sons family to continue the tradition. It is a lot of hard work both for the kids and the parents to raise the animal. The animals are on a strict diet and have to be exercised at least once a day. Rain, snow, or sunshine the animal is a major source of attention and time for the kids. When it comes time for the show the animal has to be shorn, bathed and made pretty for the ring. They also have to be weighed to determine their class and kept fed and hydrated until the show.

Showing animals teaches kids more than winning. They learn to be responsible for something besides themselves. They learn good sportsmanship and how to show up every day rain or shine. They don't always make it into the winners circle or win the buckles but to me they are all winners before they hit the ring. I really appreciate the parents of the young people who take the time to participate in 4H and FFA. It is a family and community affair and lots of effort and hard work goes into this Texas Tradition.

"Lamb Of Judah"  ©2019 Leada Wood

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