Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Artists Live Longer by Leada Wood, Texas Artist

Estelle Howard

This is what 100 years old looks like if your an artist. I want to be like my dear friend Estelle when I grow up. She is the most amazing person I’ve ever had the privilege to know. Her zest for life and uplifting spirit makes her a joy to be around!

Estelle was recently asked to do the demo for the Big Spring Art Association and without hesitation she agreed. She has taken workshops and classes with many esteemed artists all through her life and has mastered, oils, acrylics and watercolors. She paints with vibrant color and loves to paint flowers and landscapes. She paints impressionistically as did Monet who also happens to be her favorite artist. Her favorite Monet quote is “I must have flowers, always, and always.”

 Estelle participates in art shows and is still winning awards. I think she is amazing! She did her demo in acrylics and started with a toned background and painted  alla prima, which means direct painting, wet on wet in one sitting. There wasn’t a drawing to guide her only a photo reference and a previous painting.

No matter that her body is slowing her down, her mind is as bright and lively as ever! These days she has to rely on a wheelchair to get around but this spunky centenarian doesn’t let that slow her down. Yes when I grow up I want to be like Estelle...still growing...still glowing...still going.

Happy 100th birthday Estelle! Thank you for sharing your light with us and lighting candles along the way. You are an inspiration to so many! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to a very special lady! Not only is she a fantastic artist she is beaufiful inside and out! Love this lady!
