Friday, April 17, 2020

Mad Max World by Leada Wood

I must say in this crazy mad Max world I have been curled into a bud the past few weeks. Spending time in nature has helped me to unfurl. Spring is bursting forth with new life and with it hope and an awakening. I wanted to share some of the beauty of my sanctuary in this strange new place we have come to inhabit.

“It takes courage to push yourself to places that you have never been test your break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ——Anais Nin

I have been surrounding myself during this pandemic with nature and during the grey days it has uplifted my spirit. I have been drawing and painting my gorgeous specimens. Here I am up close and personal with a red tulip.

This is my cat Cheeto enjoying the sunshine and my red tulips.

Texas bluebonnets and a pink one. These are some of the wildflowers in my native Texas on our ranch as we hike the range. They are just beginning to come out. Winter seems to linger but spring is bursting forth. The hummingbirds are back and the scissor tails have arrived so I know it is spring even though today is grey and chilly. The seasons are truly amazing and I love watching them! This isolation has given me a chance to slow down and really observe its splendors.

I have planted many perennials in our yard over the years and I think this year has been the most beautiful Spring that I can remember. 

I can never have too much nature and I have started growing orchids and various plants in our home. I worked on this drawing of an orchid through some lingering grey days. 

I also have a cozy spot in our home where I do my writing, research and reading. My quilt of many colors that my daughter and granddaughters made me for my birthday lies on my chair. It has brightened many a grey day and kept me cozy as I work from home.  I can also see the hummingbirds  and various other birds feeding outside.

I hope you have enjoyed a peek into my daily life as I shelter at home along with the rest of the world. May God bless you and keep you safe during these uncertain times.


  1. My thought of this year with the beauty outside being that the slow down has opened our minds and eyes. We are taking more time to actually look and see what’s around. There is beauty in the tiniest of flowers if we just stop and look. Thank you Leada, this is what we need to do as you said, just slow down and look what’s around, Gods beauty!��

  2. This is a beautiful post that I discovered through your link on facebook. I'd love to be a follower but I don't get it how feedburn works so I was unable to subscribe. I would appreciate it if youd send me message when a new blog post is up. I should go back to blogging. I have left my blog dormant for over a year now. I used to love blogging but facebook and instagram go faster.
    I love the quote by anais nin that you used!
    Your flowers are so beautiful; flowers I don't see here.
    We also live with our senses directed to all the details this beautiful spring offers; we have time to focus on that and it give so much happiness!
