Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Girl With The Golden Fan by Leada Wood, Texas Artist

Day 8 of Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days challenge. Hope you aren't getting tired of seeing a post by me everyday in your inbox. I do appreciate your support and welcome your comments.  Don't be afraid to comment...I love to hear what you think. I am happy that I am still hanging in there and have already painted 8 paintings this year! I would say 2014 is off to a good start. I have been bouncing back and forth between realism with watercolor and acrylic mixed media collage. This keeps me on my toes as well as creatively challenged.

Todays painting of the day is a mixed media collage, 8x8 on canvas board painted with acrylics. Even with these small paintings it takes time. I make the papers for these collages using various techniques. Very rarely do I use purchased papers. I use found papers as well. They might be pages of an old book or pages out of a telephone directory or newspaper. I am searching for interesting calligraphy and line. When I create my collage paper it is a 2 or 3 day event as I do lots of different colors  and lay them out to dry. The next day I will get out my collection of hand carved stamps and put design onto the paper. I sometimes add another layer the next day. I enjoy the making of the paper as I think it gives a unique and personal touch to my collages.  

Girl With The Golden Fan by Leada Wood ©2014


  1. Feel free to post your painting on the Pinterest Board "Leslie Saeta 30 in 30 Challenge.

  2. How I love this painting! Beautiful work and good luck with Leslie's challenge!
