Thursday, January 9, 2014

Harvest Moon, by Leada Wood, Texas Artist

Harvest Moon by Leada Wood, Day 9 of Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days challenge. Yep I'm still painting! I sure am glad I took Leslie's advise and made a file of photo references that I might like to paint before the challenge began. It would be getting hard to go though all those files and make those decisions right now. When I am not painting I'm sketching to get ready for the next painting. Whew! It is a challenge! Even though I do something related to art everyday normally, this is different. Besides painting and sketching, I am writing about it and posting on 3 blogs and Facebook. It is a good thing to confront yourself occasionally so that you can see if you can complete the challenge. Only 21 more days!

Harvest Moon is an acrylic collage on canvas board. I used one of my citra solv papers I made from National Geographic pages for the background and then painted on top of that. Thanks for looking!

"Harvest Moon" by Leada Wood copyright 2014


  1. Nice cat painting! Not sure I understand how you did it, but very unusual and cool background!

  2. That moon is amazing. I love this one!

  3. Thanks Sandy and Lillian! I am enjoying your work as well. I hope we can make it to the finish line!
