Sunday, January 18, 2015

Day Eighteem-30-30 Challenge by Leada Wood, Texas Artist

Glamour Gal Copyright 2015 Leada Wood

It was such a beautiful, sunshiny day in Texas I hated to be indoors! Glamour Gal beckoned me and I heeded her call, but I ran in and out while paint dried so the best of both worlds as they say. I am sure if it wasn't for the challenge Glamour Gal would not have been created today.

My Grandma had a Basett Hound named Bobo...I still can see him in my minds eye. Bobo was a large Basett but of course I was pretty small so everything looked big.  I remember my cousins and I standing peering over the little fence of his outdoors cage. I don't know what fascinated me about Bobo...maybe it was his sad eyes. Grandma  would let us feed Bobo little doggie treats and one of the kids gave our younger cousin a doggie treat too. I think someone got a spanking!

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