The big day is finally here...the one we have been preparing for all month. The day that sets little ones hearts a flutter and makes their eyes shine bright! I wish you the magic of Christmas...may your heart always hold the magic it brings...the wonder...the excitement and the joy. I hope you are surrounded by those you love and hold dear. Christmas blessings.
Current works in watercolor, mixed media, collage, Gelli printing and acrylic painting copyright Leada Wood.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Magic Fiddle by Leada Wood, Texas Artist
Nothing like waiting until the 11th hour to do my Christmas painting. I thought that I wasn't going to get around to doing my annual Christmas painting this year. The closer it got to Christmas I felt compelled to get it done! I just could not let a year go by without wouldn't seem like Christmas!
My Daddy played the fiddle and lots of other instruments. This little Christmas elf is a tribute to him as he always kept the spirit of Christmas well.
I hope my watercolor painting made your day a little brighter and brought a smile to your face. I wish you a joyous Christmas season filled with family, friends, music, love and laughter! Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Christmas Amaryllis by Leada Wood, Texas Artist
It has been such fun watching this bulb burst forth with blooms this Christmas season. We are up to five blooms with at least three more unfurling. I know I am easily entertained! With the grey days of winter it has brought the hope of spring and rebirth. May you have a blessed Christmas filled with love and cheer!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
On The Wings Of Angels, by Leada Wood
He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:4
May you feel His presence this joyous Christmas season! Share the joy and love!
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Technique Tuesday, by Leada Wood, Texas Artist
Well as they say one thing leads to another. If you saw my last post you noticed I had something new...a slide show but no words. I should have added the post before the slide show as I could not try as I might, make the post after the slide show, we learn as we go. Soooo...I decided to add a Technique Tuesday and more photos of my Fun Friday!
Citrasol concentrate is a very fun for warned do it with all the windows open! My studio reeks of oranges and not in a good way but a nauseating way. I removed all the pages and plastic on Saturday and hopefully it will be gone when I return.
Back to the will need National Geographics, Citrasol concentrate, sponge brush and spritzer bottle. I also lined my tables with white trash bags. There are all kind of tutorials on utube regarding this technique, so check them out! I also wore gloves as it is kind of messy. I spritzed some pages and painted others then closed the book and waited 20 minutes. Sometimes there is magic and sometimes there is not! You can also learn to manipulate the process and it really is all in the timing and doing. So what are you waiting for get out those old magazines and give it a try! Make some magic of your own.
You maybe wondering what one does with these pages now??? That is still in the works and I will post the results ...until then, thanks for stopping by!
All images and content of this blog are copyrighted by Leada Wood 2013
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Caution! Artist At Play! by Leada Wood, Texas Artist
Caution! Artist At Play! I have been having fun at Studio 20 this week. I am finally getting to try out all the surface treatments that I have been reading about. The one above is tar gel...don't know what I will do with it yet but it is exciting stuff and it has lots of possibilities!
This is some of the substrates or beginnings of my new series that have a long way to go before completion. I have learned that when working with mixed media and abstracts it is best to work on multiple paintings or a series. I use watercolor paper and my favorite colors and start painting. It takes many, many layers before they are done.
This is fiber paper with wonderful things embedded into them. You can use them as they are or cut them into shapes...the sky's the limit when it comes to mixed media! It's all about the DRAMA!
Here are a few more substrates that have a few more layers. They have been stamped, scribed into, gessoed, collaged, stenciled, spritzed with alcohol, salted and painted on...still a long way to go. Maybe you are wondering...what the heck! Well...mixed media is all about the process...the journey...the excitement of discovery. That is what gets my juices going...ahhh the artist's life is a good life and it's my life.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Summer Time by Leada Wood, Texas Artist
Summer Time and the living is easy. I have been enjoying my little piece of paradise here in Texas. The weather has been really hot! I get out early or late and hang out under the air conditioning the rest of the day.
After a painting marathon to get ready for exhibitions and shows things finally wound down a little the end of June. I decided it was time to relax and enjoy the beauty surrounding me before I have to get ready for all the exhibitions and shows coming up this fall. Recharge my batteries... Life is good!
Although it is not tropical where I live, it is hot enough to grow tropical flowers. It would not be summer at our house without Hibiscus. I plant them in every hue in single and double varieties. These beauties happened to be blooming today. I had already picked the red and orange double ones to put in a vase. The funny thing about hibiscus is they are proficient bloomers but the flowers fade after a day. I have painted many Hibiscus portraits.
Summer time those Plumbago! Another plant that thrives in the hot Texas sun.
Here is my little kitchen garden by my door, easy access for cooking! I have basil, marjoram, oregano and sage. I keep my rosemary and lavenders in raised beds as they grow quite large. I love to pick fresh tomatoes spritz them with a little olive oil, salt and pepper and sprinkle fresh cut basil on top. It just doesn't get much better than that!
I love zinnias! These perky pink beauties were blooming today. I always think of my grandmother's garden whenever I see moonflowers or zinnias. She had oodles of both...guess that is where my mama and I got our love of flowers from. I enjoy having plants from my loved ones keeps a little of them close to me, especially after they are gone. Very comforting.
I plant geraniums every year as well. They come in every color but I always seem to like the red the best. I guess that is because I know my little hummingbirds enjoy red flowers and I love my little hummers!
The crepe myrtle is the best! They bloom profusely from June until late August. One of the best shrubs or trees for our area.
I hope you enjoyed the little tour of my little piece of paradise and will come back to see me again!
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Fun On The Fourth! by Leada Wood, Texas Artist
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Fun On The Fourth by Leada Wood© |
Happy 4th of July! I am so thankful that I live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I really don't think a lot of folks think about how fortunate we are to live in the USA. We get involved with living in our own little orbits and just accept what we have. Things are changing that is for sure but it still seems like the best place to live on this old blue planet. I hope you think about all our freedoms and liberties that we enjoy but were paid for with a high price this 4th.
I wish you a fun filled day surrounded by family and friends enjoying the simple pleasures of life.
This painting is a 15x22 watercolor and is in my private collection. I just wanted to share it with you.
Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Question Of Balance...Abstract by Leada Wood, Texas Artist
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Question Of Balance by Leada Wood© or |
June just zoomed by! I had so many shows, exhibitions, workshops and things to manage and take care of that it seems to have gone too fast. I just want to slow down and enjoy the lazy days of when I was a kid...where are they? Have you had any? I hope so!
I have been doing a series of abstracts exploring the cruciform. Some turned out and some will be used for the beginnings of new paintings. It has been fun but I feel the need to come back to reality for a while and work on other ideas that have been marinating in my head for a while.
I think the hard part of painting abstracts for me is naming them! Sometimes I just go blank and cannot think of a this one. I would have posted it sooner but I did not want it to go live unnamed.
This painting is 11x15 on Illustration board and is available. Just drop me an email and I will get it in the mail to you. Thanks for stopping by!
Friday, June 7, 2013
Azure Angel by Leada Wood, Texas Artist
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Azure Angel by Leada Wood, Copyright 2013 or |
This is another in my cruciform series, so much left to explore! This one really took a twist as I kept seeing a blue angel or figure in it so that is where I let the painting take me. This is what I like about painting begin and the process starts... you never know where you will end up until you get there!
I never thought from this beginning that it would turn into a figurative painting. I put lots of texture and collage and threw in some graphic lines. Nothing in mind except to do another cruciform painting...exploration. Again a horizontal beginning turned into a vertical format.
This is where I started seeing a figure. I changed directions and made it into the painting at the Azure Angel. I hope you enjoy seeing a little of the process and reading about the journey. I'm glad you stopped by!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Southwest Cross by Leada Wood, Texas Artist
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I have been working in a series exploring the cruciform. This is one of my finished explorations and it is 11x15 on illustration board. I started by laying in some collage papers with them extending off all four edges as show below. I then added lots of texture and glazes of paint.
As you can see it came through different stages before the final stage. I thought at first it would be a horizontal format but kept going until I liked the vertical format better, as shown below. I tried to bring it together using the blue and other colors but it just didn't come together until I changed directions entirely. I used a different color palette and started knocking it back until I came to the finished piece, as shown at the top.
That is the wonderful thing about abstracts you never know where they will take is about the process...the journey...the exploration.
Thanks for dropping by!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
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I chose Edgar Degas for my inspiration to paint my little ballerinas for the Messin' With The Masters Show at the Heritage Museum.
Ballet was Degas
favorite subject and he is recognized for his paintings of dance. He was a
prolific painter and more than half of his works depict dancers.
He was one of the
founders of Impressionism but he preferred to be called an independent. He was
a classical painter of modern life.His bold brush strokes, vivid expressive color and portrayal of light and movement imparted a sense of movement and frozen moments in time.
Degas always painted indoors unlike most other Impressionists. He experimented constantly with materials and methods whose novelty would match his vision of modern life.
Degas would make a
drawing and then take tracing paper and pencil and trace over the drawing and
move the figures around. He used this method to try out different compositions
and to form new ideas for other works of art. I use these methods in my art as
The thing that drew
me to Degas was the light and movement of his work. I tried to express this in
my painting of "Dance To The Music".
Degas often painted with pastels. I decided to use a palette knife to
try to emulate the texture that the pastels make.
My favorite quote of
Degas: “Art is NOT what you see, but what you make others see."
Thanks for dropping by!
Monday, May 27, 2013
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I chose Matisse because I too enjoy
experimenting with a variety of styles and employing new techniques to create
my own pictorial language.
Henri Matisse was one of the most influential artists of the Twentieth century whose stylistic innovations altered the course of Modern Art and spanned 6.5 decades.
Matisse used lots of designs and an abstract
quality and was not a slave to photo realism. I use lots of patterns, textures
and work abstractly to portray my version of realism. We both enjoy pure
Late in life while recovering from surgery
Henri began his scissor art and it became his favored medium until the end of
his life and was the dominant medium of his expression.
I love to make
collage art and it is my favorite medium...I only hope I do Henri justice! I
think Henri and I had a lot in common both in art and the way we look at life.
We both want to paint what is serene, soothing, and a calming influence on the
mind. No depressing or troubling subject matter for us. We both love texture,
pattern, pure color, and to work expressively.
Here are two of my favorite Matisse quotes:
"He who loves
flies, runs, and rejoices; he is free and nothing holds him back."
"There are always flowers for those who
want to see them."
I hope you enjoy my
interpretations of Henri Matisse. It was very inspirational looking at all the
wonderful art he created during his long career and learning about his life.
What a pleasure it was to visualize two very different works and bring them
into being for this exhibition.
This painting was created for the Messin' With The Masters Show at the Heritage Museum. It is 16x20 collage with handpainted paper on canvas.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Vincent's Poppies by Leada Wood, Texas Artist
Monday, May 20, 2013
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O Henry ! is one of my paintings I have completed for the Messin' With The Masters Show. It will open May 24th with a reception for the Caboose Watercolor Society at the Heritage Museum from 5-7.
I chose Henri Matisse as one of my masters. Matisse loved goldfish. He said "I wouldn't mind turning into a vermillion goldfish." Matisse also used rich color and a limited palette with lots of design in his work. The object was to try and emulate their style in our own interpretation.
I had fun trying to come up with ideas for my paintings and then attempting to capture what I liked about it was quite a challenge. I will be posting the other three later, be sure to check my last post as it was one that I painted in Mary Cassatt's style.
Thanks for checking in!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Fun In The Sun by Leada Wood, Contemporary Texas Artist
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FUN IN THE SUN by Leada Wood Copyrighted 2013 DO NOT COPY! or |
When we are at the beach I enjoy watching the brown pelicans fly up and down the shoreline. They were nearly extinct at one time but are back in great numbers. We also swim, play in the sand, hunt sea shells, go crabbing, fishing and eat lots of fresh shrimp! I also take lots of pictures of everyone and make mental notes of what would make a good painting. We also find plenty of time to relax and enjoy the tranquility of the splashing waves and screech of the sea gulls. It seems the sea breeze has a way of blowing all stress away and keeping you on island time.
I am very thankful for the good times I have had with my family at the beach having fun in the sun!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Texas Traditions by Leada Wood, Contemporary Texas Artist
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Texas Traditions Copyrighted 2013 by Leada Wood All Rights Reserved DO NOT COPY! |
Each color in the flag has special meaning, the white stands for purity, the blue stands for loyalty and the red stands for bravery. The lone star has five points and they represent the characteristics of a good citizen, which are fortitude, loyalty, righteousness, prudence, and tolerance. The lone star represents All of Texas and stands for our unity as one for God, State and Country. The lone star is seen as a symbol of Texas' independent spirit and gave us the nickname "The Lone Star State.
Boots are also a Texas tradition and have been worn by cowboys since the 1800's. Cowboy boots refer to a specific style of riding boot that have a slanted heel to keep the foot in the stirrup and a tall top to protect their lower leg while riding a horse.
Our family has been a part of the Texas tradition by selling cowboy boots for over 40 years. We don't just sell cowboys boots they are for everyone! They come in a variey styles, colors, and leathers...some very exotic. I am proud to be a part of the Texas tradition. I guess that is why I enjoy painting cowboys and boots.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Children's Art Show by Leada Wood, Contemporary Texas Artist
Here we are at the Children's Spring Art Show. I am so proud of my budding artists! They are such a pleasure to teach and be around. They always surprise me with what they can do and the things that they come up with! They take their work to heart and come to class with a willing attitude to learn and are observant and co-operative students.
Oh to have the imagination of a child again! I think making art does keep your mind lively and your imagination active.
Congratulations to these young ladies on their accomplishments and awards!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Slim, Shorty And Lulu Gone Wild by Leada Wood Contemporary Texas Artist
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Slim, Shorty And Lulu Gone Wild -Copyright Leada Wood 2013 |
Slim, Shorty and Lulu gone wild came about after a wonderful family outing with the Kids and a trip to the circus. I had not been to a circus in ever so long...wasn't sure they still existed! Oh what a grand time we had and wonderful ideas began spinning around in my head. I love to paint my goonie birds but have not done so for a long time. The sparks began to fly and away I went to my drawing board and started this adventure. As you can see I became a little carried away and went over to the wild side! It was a fun ride while it lasted.
This is a close up of Shorty ... a colorful little bird!
This is Slim...that bird is up to something! I can see it in his eye! Maybe he wonders why his pal Shorty is standing so close to his gal Lulu?
And this is Slim and you can see birds of a feather flock together and Slim has nothing to worry about! I can see that Lulu only has eyes for Slim. I hope you have enjoyed my little bird brained tale...I think I see more adventures of Slim, Shorty and Lulu in my future.
This painting is 16x20 transparent watercolor on canvas and is available. Please contact me at
Friday, April 12, 2013
GEMINI by Leada Wood, Contemporary Texas Artist
Monday, April 8, 2013
ALL THINGS CONNECTED by Leada Wood, Contemporary Texas Artist
This was an interesting mixed media abstract to bring to completion. Each part is 12x12 and can stand on its own yet really looks nice as a part of the whole...kind of like a puzzle. I think that is what intrigues me so about mixed media, I always liked puzzles and they are similar in that you have to solve problems in order to make a painting. There is no subject matter to refer back to when you need to like a still life or a landscape. It all comes from within. This painting is on display through the month of April at the Heritage Museum at my solo show Visions. Hope you can drop by!
This painting is available!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Welcome Spring! by Leada Wood, Contemporary Texas Artist
Okay! It is officially Spring! I thought I would share some beautiful photos of the conservatory at the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas. Every season their gardeners create exceptional works of art in their garden for everyone to enjoy. This season was exceptional. Bootman and I just got back from market. We have never stayed here but always make a trip to see the conservatory and eat their buffet. A feast for the eyes and the tummy!

The mama swan and her baby by waterfall and bridge with purple tulips along the sweet!
The pink striped tulips glowing in the sunshine were extraordinary and the fragrance was heavenly.

Of course they had to have some dutch shoes since that is where all our tulips come from.
I have never seen orange tulips but they were gorgeous! My tulips are just coming up not a blossom in sight. I have red and purple but would love some orange beauties!
The cute dutch windmill and giant tulips in the pond was a favorite picture spot among the tourists.
Red and pink tulips vibrating against violet hychinths.
More cute dutch shoes among the pink tulips and butterflies.
Icelandic poppies were abounding in every hue.
There was a green house full of butterflies enjoying their fruit offerings and the warm sunshine. I hope this post brightens your day especially if spring has not arrived where you's coming! Happy Spring!
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