The Yellow Rose of Texas is what I call prickly pear cactus blooms. They are blooming now and are gorgeous! Prickly Pear are plentiful in West Texas along with different varieties of cactus.
There has been medical interest in the plant lately and studies show the pectin contained in the pulp lowers the levels of bad cholesterol. Another study found that the fibrous pectin in the fruit and pads may lower diabetics need for insulin. I guess the saying let food be your medicine rings true! From Prickly Pear Margaritas to Prickly Pear jelly to grilled Nopales, the humble cactus offers it fruit as well as beauty.
"The Yellow Rose of Texas" is a traditional folk song in the southwest. The original version was associated with the legend of how an indentured servant named Emily West, unwittingly aided the Texans in winning the Battle of San Jacinto, the decisive battle in the War of Independence from Mexico.
I hope you enjoyed learning a little about the Prickly Pear, or as I like to call it The Yellow Rose of Texas. Thanks for stopping by!
"Yellow Rose of Texas" ©2017 Leada Wood |
"Yellow Rose of Texas" ©2017 Leada Wood |