Saturday, July 6, 2024

Summertime And The Livin' Ain't Easy by Leada Wood

Ahaaa Summertime! As I was standing in the warm sunshine watering...all the sights, smells and sounds evoked pleasant memories of many warm summer days. I love the familiar sound of the Cicadas in the trees. The sound takes me back to playing mud pies under the big Elm trees when I was a child. Summer just wouldn't be summer without their chorus.

My summer has been exceptionally busy with birthdays, graduations, travel, and a wedding! We have partied all summer so far. I feel a shift now...maybe a more leisurely pace akin to summer is coming? Summertime and the living' is easy!

July is World of Watercolor month and I have been painting and getting ready for the fall shows that are already requesting entries.  I am painting every chance I get but all paintings seem to be in different stages of incompletion at this time. I know the shows are coming all year but seems I do better with a deadline.

I had a fun paint day with friends a couple of weeks back and tried some Zen watercolor using only 3 colors, red, yellow and blue. The idea was to just put down color on wet paper and let it mingle and then go back in and very loosely turn the paint into something. In other words to let the paint guide me intuitively, which is the way of watercolor anyway, but looser.  It was an interesting exercise and good practice.

Guess I was thinking of my Mama’s Periwinkles when I painted this one. She always had them growing in her garden. 

This started with three puddles of colors as these all did. Wish I had taken photos of just the backgrounds. 

Love the way the colors shine though each other.

Linda painting

Kay painting.

And Pearl trying to keep us all entertained!

A card I painted for Sue’s birthday. We both love Sunflowers!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Children’s Art Show

The West Texas Art Guild’s annual Children’s art show was a huge success! We had a great turnout despite the thunderstorm that was going on outside. We really need the rain as it is near drought conditions again in Texas so no one minded getting out in the weather. Pictured here are some of my students who are all winners because they had the courage to enter the show and a few of them won awards!

There were a lot of entries and interesting art created by the county’s children. A big thanks to the Mitchell County Library for hosting our children’s show.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Postcards To Myself by Leada Wood

Wow! April has flown by and been so busy. We have been putting our garden in and planting flowers plus all the other things life keeps us busy with, but LIFE IS GOOD! Needless to say it has been challenging to squeeze in personal creative time except for art classes and getting ready for the children's art show but more about that later. 

For this series of postcards to my self I used recycled paper from bigger collages I’ve created. Some of it is over 100 year old. The handwriting is so beautiful although beginning to fade and the paper is very brittle. I think of it as conservation as I use archival glues and sealers to attach the papers. These postcards are 4x6 inches so sometimes more difficult to create than larger works. I’m halfway done!

                                                          💯 Days Project- days 44-50


“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Where Flowers Bloom So Does Hope” #50

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Be Grateful For Everything”#49

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Today Is A Good Day” #48

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“See Possibility Everywhere” #47

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Be Brave…Stay Strong” #46

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Just Breathe” #45

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood ©️
“You Don’t Have To Figure It All Out” #44

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Postcards To Myself by Leada Wood

You might be wondering why I chose to create postcards to myself for the 100 days project. Mainly it’s an easy way to hold myself accountable to just show up and make stuff, for the pure pleasure of it. I have always been a maker of things, and making things is kind of like solving puzzles. It’s just fun!

Playing with paint just for the pleasure of it is how I come up with new ideas and techniques that I will use  in my paintings and it stretches me. Showing up for my art fills my well and I get something out of it…kind of like meditating. The simple act of play with no end result brings me joy.

I am adding little bits of encouragement to bring the postcards together. I think we all can use a little encouragement now and then. Don’t you?

💯 Days Project- days 37-43

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti” #37

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
Peace, Love And Joy” #38

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Give Out What You Most Want To Come Back” #39

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Never Stop Exploring” #40

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Celebrate Life” #41

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Hold Tight And Pretend It’s A Plan” #42

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“You Did It Yay” #43

“I thrive under pressure, yes, but I also thrive under sunshine, under joy, under warm hugs and creativity; morning coffee, a strong community.”
                               ——Joel Leon


Saturday, March 23, 2024

“Postcards To Myself” by Leada Wood

As I sit resting having my afternoon coffee on this beautiful sunny day I can hear the birds singing. The air smells sweetly of earthy aromas and finally Spring has sprung! I have been in the garden all morning poking about, watering, watching the bees and taking lots of photos. I love my country life. 

I am still making postcards to myself for the 💯days project.  I have been enjoying just playing with color and some of the tools I don’t normally use. Sometimes it is enough just to let the colors mingle on the paper…and you know I love color! I chose the postcard size as it is manageable for daily work and decided to put encouragements on each one. It is getting a bit challenging to come up with inspirational one liners, so I might use some twice or quotes, but I’m ok with that. The challenge is really just about doing something for 100 days and in the end the feeling of accomplishment is reward enough. 

💯days project- days 30-36

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
Mixed Media
“Creativity Takes Courage” #30

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Sweet Moments” #31

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Bloom” #32

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Collect Beautiful Moments” #33

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Look on the bright side” #34

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Faith is a bird” #35

“Postcard To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
“Shine” #36



Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Traditions by Leada Wood

We carry inside of us the people who came before us. Do you ever wonder about the relatives you see in 100 year old photos? What were they like? 
I am the keeper of my families photos. It was bestowed upon me by my Mama…she was the keeper before me. How do you store fragile, fading photographs? I am in the process of taking digital photos and editing them now, preserving them for future generations. My cousins are doing the genealogy research trying to tie our family tree together. 

I came across a photo of my Grandmother Franklin and her three sisters. I only had met Aunt Ruth when she was an older lady. She was my Mamas favorite so I decided to do a painting from the 100 year old photo. I painted Aunt Ruth and Grandma in a style that made it look aged, a sepia tone. Maybe one of these days I will paint all the sisters. 


Leada Wood©️

Tradition serves as an anchor to our identity and heritage. It preserves the customs and narratives that connect us to our roots. These connections are essential for maintaining a sense of family and belonging. I wish that these old photos could many stories are lost.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Postcards To Myself by Leada Wood

 I am still working on the 100 day project among the many other things that life has to offer and demands. One might think all I do is paint…that’s not true as I have varied interest and responsibilities. Art is life and life is art is a favorite quote. I make time for my creativity in whatever I do. Living creatively is a certain mindset, an attitude, a different way of looking at things. I try to see the beauty in all things and in whatever I do…it makes life more beautiful.I am sharing my cards with you so that hopefully it will be an encouragement if needed or just fun to see them.

Here in West Texas the earth is waking up…Spring has come. The bright spring greens are busting forth and a few wild flowers are popping up. We have had some grey days but with them some gentle rains to replenish the earth. I am making myself wait to plant flowers and my garden as I know it is still a little early. Don’t you just love Spring!

                                  100 Days Project “Postcards To Myself” days 22-29

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
Mixed Media
“Make each day your masterpiece”#29

“Postcards To Myself”
Mixed Media
“I would rather die of passion than boredom”#28

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
Mixed Media
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself”#27

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
Mixed Media
“Dance to the music only you can hear.”#26

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
Mixed Media
“Life is a daring adventure.” #25

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
Mixed Media
“Every morning is a new beginning.” #24

“Postcard To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
Mixed Media
“Everyday is what you make it.” #23

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️
Mixed Media
“Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful.”#22

“ The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched. They must be felt with the heart.”  ——Helen Keller



Monday, March 11, 2024

“Postcards To Myself” by Leada Wood

The thing about the 100 days project is accountability, you show up every day to create. It takes guts to create, you have to be brave with yourself. The creating comes easy for me…it’s the sharing of my work that is challenging. It takes time so I decided I would share my work by weeks rather than days. Aren’t you glad?

100 Days Project. “Postcards To Myself” days 15-21

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️

“Postcards To Myself”
Leada Wood©️

“Creativity takes courage”
——Henri Matisse