Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Traditions by Leada Wood

We carry inside of us the people who came before us. Do you ever wonder about the relatives you see in 100 year old photos? What were they like? 
I am the keeper of my families photos. It was bestowed upon me by my Mama…she was the keeper before me. How do you store fragile, fading photographs? I am in the process of taking digital photos and editing them now, preserving them for future generations. My cousins are doing the genealogy research trying to tie our family tree together. 

I came across a photo of my Grandmother Franklin and her three sisters. I only had met Aunt Ruth when she was an older lady. She was my Mamas favorite so I decided to do a painting from the 100 year old photo. I painted Aunt Ruth and Grandma in a style that made it look aged, a sepia tone. Maybe one of these days I will paint all the sisters. 


Leada Wood©️

Tradition serves as an anchor to our identity and heritage. It preserves the customs and narratives that connect us to our roots. These connections are essential for maintaining a sense of family and belonging. I wish that these old photos could many stories are lost.

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