Saturday, June 10, 2017

A Peek In My Sketchbook, by Leada Wood, Texas Artist

"A Peek In My Sketchbook" ©2017 Leada Wood
Ahhh...vine ripened tomatoes, warm from the sun just waiting for you to pop in your mouth...pure bliss. In all our years of organic gardening we have never grown cluster tomatoes and didn't know we were this year. What a nice surprise! Bootman came in dangling this dazzling little cluster of porters and I knew I had to paint them before they were eaten. Adorable and delectable...a feast for the eyes and the tummy.

Funny how a mix up from the garden center can make your day. We haven't had much luck with tomatoes in recent years so this year we decided to take a different approach, after trying many other approaches in previous years. We planted our little beauties straight into our compost piles and they seem to be loving their environment. We are off to a good start and hopefully will have enough tomatoes to share. Have a wonderful weekend!

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