Sunday, January 6, 2019

January Challenge by Leada Wood, Texas Artist

Day  6 of the 30 objects in 30 days challenge. I am so blessed to be able to do this challenge. I get to make art everyday! It is not easy because life at our house continues. There are meals to cook, dishes to wash and cleaning and washing, grandkids to play with... you know LIFE! Our kitchen bar has become a mini studio and I can do other things while paint dries. It is much easier than running to the studio for a few hours.

"Blessed" ©2019 Leada Wood

I keep a little tote with paint and supplies so I can move it off and on the bar at mealtimes. The challenge was to choose 30 objects and paint one every day, not an easy task.  I chose kids flash cards for the substate and prepared the card before hand. I am loving looking at all the tiny art I am creating and I hope you are enjoying it too!

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