Friday, December 10, 2021

“The Gift Of The Season”

“Angels We Have Heard On High”
Mixed Media By 
Leada Wood

‘Tis the season of giving, togetherness, joy and the season of busy! I have decided this Holiday to give myself a gift, to enter a season of reflection, to slow down and enjoy each day, to be in the moment. Every day is a gift from our creator. We can’t earn it, buy it or steal it, but it is given to you the moment you open your eyes in the morning. What you choose to do with it is entirely up to you. You can squander it or use your gift to Glorify your Creator. 

We have become a nation that glorifies how busy we are. We carry it like a banner, something to be proud the more we do the better we are. I am not saying you should be idle but maybe, just maybe you are filling your days instead of following your calling or using you abilities wisely. We all have necessary things we have to do to keep us going, like work but sometimes you must choose your battles.

I hope this Holiday season, yes I said Holiday, because to me Holiday encompasses from Thanksgiving to the New Year and all the wonderful celebrations with family and friends. It is a mood and a season of festivities, a season to savor and linger over, a gift of time, to create memories with those you love.
Wishing you a joyous holiday season!

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow or turning.” James 1:17

Gift: something given voluntarily without payment in return, something bestowed or acquired without any particular effort, a special ability or talent. 


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