Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lucky Bamboo by Leada Wood, Texas Artist

Day 22 of Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30
days challenge. I can't believe only 8 days left! I kind of got on a roll with the Chinese New Years series. I was having fun painting traditional Chinese lucky symbols and learning a lot about their culture and traditions. I hope you have had fun along the way!
We've all heard that lucky bamboo (which of course isn't really a bamboo at all) increases feng shui, but what exactly does lucky bamboo mean? According to the Chinese tradition, the meaning of lucky bamboo is tied to how many stalks you have. Here are some of the meanings associated with different lucky bamboo arrangements:
  • Two stalks represent love.
  • Three stalks represent Fu (happiness), Lu (wealth), and Soh (long life).
  • Five stalks represent the areas of life that represent wealth (e.g., spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and intuitive).
  • Six stalks represent good luck and wealth.
  • Seven stalks represent good health.
  • Eight stalks represent growth.
  • Nine stalks represent great luck.
  • Ten stalks represent perfection.
  • Twenty-one stalks represent a powerful blessing.
I painted lucky bamboo representing love and I didn't know that until the painting was finished and I researched the symbols. Now that I know, I like the way they are intertwined and standing side by side, supporting each other. I know in my own life I have been lucky in love and blessed. 
Thanks for dropping by!
  Lucky Bamboo by Leada Wood ©2014

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